Уникальным преимуществом Клиники дентальной хирургии и стоматологии проф. Весовой является успешное и качественное выполнение сложных восстановительных операций в области челюстно-лицевой хирургии
высокопрофессиональные специалисты всех направлений в одной клинике
индивидуальный подход к случаю каждого пациента
разработка комплексного плана лечения под ключ
работаем в команде для поиска простых и эффективных решений любой проблемы
персональное координирование
индивидуальный подбор имплантата, восстановление объёма кости, успешность 99%
приоритет работы специалистов клиники
с помощью методов дентальной хирургии, ортодонтии и нехирургической эстетической коррекции
основатель клиники, доктор мед. наук, профессор, челюстно-лицевой хирург, имплантолог, пародонтолог
главный врач, к.мед.н., челюстно-лицевой хирург, имплантолог, пародонтолог
стоматолог-терапевт, пародонтолог
стоматолог-терапевт, эндодонтист
Thank you to doctor Zavizion Alina Ihorivna for the quality treatment! I have been looking for a clinic for a long time and I can definitely recommend this one. Real... read more professionals!
I have been using the services of this clinic for many years. Professionals really work. Very satisfied. Sincere thanks.
Дякую команді Вєсової Олени Петрівни, за професійний підхід та якісне лікування! Хочу відмітити чудовий персонал, дівчата не рецепшн дуже привітні та ввічливі! В клініці чисто та охайно! Лікарі дуже професійно все пояснюють, що вони роблять у ході лікування, дослухаються, якщо щось турбує. Особисте дякую Пилипенко Костянтину Анатолійовичу, відмінний протезист, почув всі мої питання, дуже комфотно було у нього на прийомі!
Thank you to the team of Olena Petrivna Vesova for the professional approach and quality treatment! I want to note the wonderful staff, the girls at the reception are very... read more friendly and polite! The clinic is clean and tidy! Doctors very professionally explain everything, what they do during the treatment, listen if something bothers you. My personal thanks to Pylypenko Kostyantyn Anatoliyovych, an excellent prosthetist, listened to all my questions, it was very comfortable at his reception!
I want to express my gratitude to the entire team of Professor Viesova's clinic! He had a very difficult situation with his teeth, due to the fear of treatment since childhood.... read more After the first visit to the endodontist Zavizion Alina Ihorivna, completely changed the idea of dentistry! The treatment was painless and comfortable! Many thanks to Olena Petrovna for the removal of wisdom teeth, for the special approach and my peace during the operation! The final stage was prosthetics, Kostyantyn Anatoliyovych restored my smile, now I can smile freely - thank you! I recommend to be treated by such professionals!
In the clinic, the approach to patients is very balanced, which speaks of professionalism and extensive experience. We are sincerely grateful to Olena Petrovna for her work and support!
I am undergoing long-term treatment at this clinic. There was a complicated removal of two figure eights, then there was a sinus lift and implant installation. For the rest of my... read more life, I will be grateful to the surgeon Viesova Olena Petrivna for her approach to the patient and her professionalism. I stopped being afraid of dentistry, now I always visit with a positive attitude, because I know that there will be no stress. All operations were as easy as possible, rehabilitation went well, almost without swelling and complications, although the operations were difficult. The team of anesthesiologists is also excellent, the sedation was very comfortable. I also thank the orthodontist Victoria Dmitrivna Kozhevnikova for the comfort in braces treatment ???????????? It turned out that you can treat your teeth comfortably! I highly recommend the clinic.
Iryna Vasylivna is a super doctor! Careful, attentive and intelligent. I am very grateful that she fixed my teeth and made them even more beautiful than they were before!
I liked the clinic, friendly staff, spacious inside, modern interior. It is very convenient that you can do a CT scan right away in the clinic, you don't need to... read more go to other places. I was treated by the doctor Bulavina Anna Yurievna, it was not painful, I liked everything, and especially the fact that the doctor explained everything, what he was going to do
Уже который раз хожу именно сюда к стоматологу Минаковой Валерии Борисовне. Стоматолог от Бога, золотые руки! Ювелирно и мастерски делает своё дело!!! Я впервые за всю свою жизнь не боюсь идти лечить зубы! Делает очень аккуратно, постоянно интересуется "не больно ли", гений своего дела! Спасибо огромное клинике за такого врача, приду проверять и лечить зубы только сюда!❤️
I have been going here for several times already to the dentist Minakova Valeria Borisovna. Dentist from God, golden hands! Jewelery and skillfully does its job!!! For the first time... read more in my life I am not afraid to go to have my teeth treated! He does it very carefully, he is constantly interested in “does it hurt”, a genius in his field! Thank you very much to the clinic for such a doctor, I will come to check and treat my teeth only here!❤️
Хотелось бы поблагодарить врачей и руководство клиники за высокий профессионализм. Отдельная благодарность доктору Булавиной Анне за комфортное и быстрое лечение. Однозначно буду рекомендовать клинику своим знакомым.