People of all ages can have jaw tumors. As for the structure, they are like tumors of other bones of the skeleton, but these neoplasms are distinguished by a number of features. They are associated with the growth process of the face bones and the presence of the dentition New growths are able to develop asymptomatically, and not cause anxiety for a long time. The surgeon diagnoses tumors of soft tissues and jaws during a routine examination.
By origin, all the tumors of the jaw are divided into odontogenic and non-odontogenic, i.e. developing from tooth-forming and bone tissues, respectively. Ameloblastoma is the most obvious example of an odontogenic neoplasm. It is localized mainly in the lower jaw and has an invasive growth pattern, i.e. grows into tissue, often penetrates into the gums and oral cavity, maxillary sinuses and nasal cavity. The process is accompanied by suppuration. Also, maxillofacial surgeons in their practice often face odontoma, fibroma, giant cell tumor and other pathologies.
Of all the benign neoplasms of bone tissue, osteoma occupies one of the first places. By its structure, it most often represents spongy tissue, interspersed with connective one. The tumor grows rather slowly, but once it begins to cause discomfort – it presses on the mandibular nerve or, when located in the area of the condyle, it can cause a worsening of the low jaw mobility. With localization in the upper jaw, there is a risk of germination in the maxillary sinuses, and even the eyes sockets, with subsequent loss of smell and partially vision.
Neoplasms of the jaws can only be treated surgically. The tumor is completely excised within healthy tissue. As for osteomas, the degeneration of this type of neoplasm into a malignant structure does not occur, therefore, with its small size, the doctor chooses the tactics of observing the disease over time.
About Us
Welcome to the clinic of dental surgery and dentistry prof. Vesova
We combine art and scientific approach to improve the quality of life of our patients.
We provide a high level of service and care for the patient, and our efforts are aimed at ensuring that your every visit to our clinic is the most comfortable. A unique synthesis of advanced technologies, an experienced team of specialists and an individual approach give us the opportunity to solve dental problems of any complexity.
Professor Elena Petrovna Vesova
The founder and medical director of the clinic Doctor of Medical Sciences, author of more than 150 scientific articles
the unique advantage of the Prof. Vesova Dental Surgery Clinic is the successful and high-quality performance of complex restorative operations in the field of maxillofacial surgery.